The new Tchibo Mazagrande is a trendy coffee cocktail. The espresso-tonic has become a big hit in good coffee shops and it became very popular with exactly the target group. A touch of Yuzu citrus completes the experience. All this has been reflected in our design. On one hand, it follows up on the rest of the range, on the other, it found a visual style of its own. Modern and light tones and patterns surround the typical central "sticker" with logo and text.

Entrant: Cocoon Prague
Agency: Cocoon Prague
Advertiser: Tchibo
Brand: Mazagrande
Production: Tchibo, Cocoon Prague
Creative Director Karolína Bělohlávková
Art Director Evgeny Razzhivin
Designer Evgeny Razzhivin, Sasha Sharavarau, Marcin Szewczyk
Photographer José Sabino Jr.
Manager Lenka Kudějová